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Praise God you've found us! Welcome to our website. We are a Christian community where everyone is welcome. You matter to God and to us as well. If you are looking for a church dedicated to obey the Great Commandment and the Great Commission, you are at the right place. We have a celebrative type of worship where we focus our heart's affection and mind's attention to God. We worship Him in Spirit and in truth, with reverence and awe, biblical, and acceptable to Him. We are committed to fully obey the Great Commission--make, mature and multiply disciples and churches unto all the nations. I hope you and your family could visit us in one of our worship celebrations. You may also check out our small group schedule if you desire to grow as a devoted Christ's follower and transform your community. Find one nearest you or do the honors of hosting one at your home.

Looking forward to seeing you soon,
Pastor Armando De La Merced
October 18, 2024

​Dear GFC Family,

Glory to God for our worship gathering last weekend! Praise Him for His awesome presence in us and with us. Thank Him for His Word proclaimed to know God and His will for our lives, to feed our souls, and to equip us to a holy, victorious, fruitful, and God-honoring life. 

Our words of encouragement for this week is, "I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry. He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, and He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; many will see and fear and will trust in the Lord" (Psalm 40:1-3). Waiting upon the Lord is little practiced today and foreign to the self-confident. To learn the blessed art of waiting upon the Lord, we need to give God time to reveal Himself and to show us what He can do and will do. Notice what the Psalmist got through as he waited patiently upon the Lord: God heard his prayers, God got him out of the horrible pit and miry clay of overwhelming troubles, God has set his feet upon a rock--Jesus, and God put a new song in his mouth. Many around him were amazed and they trusted in the Lord! Are you suffering or full of trouble? Wait upon the Lord and He will turn your sighing into singing!

This weekend, I will preach the Word about, THE LIFE WORTH LIVING (Phil 1:19-21). One of the most sublime statement ever made is "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain" (v.21). A life focused on glorifying Christ is the life worth living. Living in sin, for worldly pleasures, for money, for selfish ambition, and for fame is a wasted life. In this message, we will learn what it means to live for and through Christ, the practical ways to live such life, and how it is possible. Don't miss this message for trivial reasons.

With you in spreading the fame of His name,
Pastor Arman 

October 12th

Dear GFC Family,

Thank God for answering our prayers for Hurricane Milton. Though there were devastations in Central Florida, the hurricane weakened such that it did not come to our area. Let's keep the Disaster Relief volunteers in our prayers as they minister to the victims of the hurricanes Helene and Milton.

The Lord has encouraged me through this verse this week --"So Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church" (Acts 12:5). Our God delivers us from an impossible situation when we pray. There's no way Peter could escape from being executed by Herod Agripa I. He was chained to two soldiers inside a heavily guarded prison and secured with an iron gate. James was already executed. However, the church used prayer as a mighty weapon to defeat powerful enemies and deliver Peter from prison. They prayed earnestly (without ceasing), unitedly, unto God, and specifically. God did an awesome miracle of releasing Peter from prison. He proceeded to the house where a special prayer meeting is being held that midnight. The brethren were shocked to see and hear Peter tells the story how God answered their prayers. We too can be delivered by God from an impossible situation when we pray.

Let our praise to our Lord God be glorious as we come together for worship this weekend! Brother Nathan Wallace will preach the Word based on Romans 7:14-25 --THE STRUGGLE IS REAL. May we learn how to overcome our struggles in the Christian life through this message. Let us pray that the Holy Spirit will use Brother Nathan to lift us up, build us up, and fire us up as he preaches the Word. See you all tomorrow.

Victorious through Christ,
Pastor Arman 

October 3rd

Dear GFC Family

Let us praise God who is our Refuge and present help in times of need (Ps 46:1)! Amidst life's stresses, troubles, storms, and spiritual battles, He invites us to cast all our cares upon Him (1 Pe 5:6-7) and to come to Christ who gives rest to all who are weary and are heavily laden (Mt 11:28). Let us thank God for our Disaster Relief Teams who are helping the victims of Helene by feeding the hungry, cleaning up debris, repairing homes, and sharing the Gospel of hope. They are able to do these ministries because of your giving to missions. 

As we celebrate the Lord's Supper this Lord's Day, let us prepare our hearts by 1) praying for the Holy Spirit to search our hearts for any sin and confess them to God, 2) getting right with God and with one another, and 3) meditating on scriptures about the Lord's Supper.

This weekend, I'm excited to preach the Word regarding  GOD'S GRAND PURPOSE (Psalm 67). This text is a missionary Psalm revealing God's purpose for your life, for our church, and for the nations. A clear understanding of this Psalm could reignite passion in our hearts to take part in God's missionary movements. May the Spirit of God use this message toward that end.

Blessed to be a blessing,
Pastor Arman 

September 26th

Dear GFC Family,

Let us "Sing forth the honour of His Name; make His praise glorious" (Ps 66:2). We are to worship our great and glorious God in the best manner-- heatfelt, exuberant, with songs of praise for His glorious Names, and with thanks for His wonderful deeds. It is our fitting response to His redeeming grace, and to His goodness -- His good gifts, answered prayers, mercy, strength and help in times of need.

This weekend, I will preach the Word regarding THE LAST THINGS (selected scriptures). Biblical truths about the last things or end-times bring comfort and hope to believers. It is also a call to holiness and faithfulness. How will God end history? What does the future hold for mankind--believers and unbelievers? How do we answer questions regarding our hope for the future -- life after death, the Second Coming of Christ, the resurrection, the Judgment Day, and heaven and hell? Don't miss this message this Lord's Day and remember to bring your family and friends to worship with us.

His truth is marching on,
Pastor Arman 

September 19th

Dear GFC Family,

The Lord's presence was again manifested in our worship celebration last Sunday! The Lord's Day, Sunday, is a day we set aside to joyfully worship our great and mighty God, celebrate Christ's resurrection, and the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost together. Let us so order our lives that we may not neglect this priority.

This weekend, we will talk about one of the Biblical truths we believe and practice -- A Christ-Centered Family (Gen 1:26-28; 2:21-23; Eph 5:22-6:4). The fiercest battleground for cultural wars in America is in the family. What God has designed and instituted, society tries to reinvent leading to its destruction. What happens to families so goes the nation and the church. As Christ's followers, we are to take a stand against the attacks on biblical marriage and family. God offers wisdom, help, and hope to struggling families today to keep our families strong, victorious, joyful, and a blessing to other families. 

With you in spreading the fame of His Name,
Pastor Arman 

September 13

Dear GFC Family,

May God's promise in Isaiah 40:31 comfort your hearts --- "They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." To wait upon the LORD means to spend time in His presence praying and meditating on His infinite greatness, His promises, and His works. We wait upon Him who is sovereign, gracious, good, merciful, and who also waits on us. We wait upon Him for supplies, strength, deliverance, answered prayers, counsel and instruction, forgiveness, and renewal of our hope and strength to soar like eagles.

This weekend, in participation with the National Back to Church Sunday campaign, I will preach the Word regarding, CHRIST, THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH (Col 1: 17-19; 2:19). We will again revisit truths we believe regarding the Biblical Church. The problem in many churches today is the failure to honor Christ as the only and supreme Head of His church. They are doing church the world's way instead of doing it Christ's way. In this message, we will understand the meaning, the significance, and the practical implications of holding Christ up as the Head of the Church. You will discover your role as a faithful covenant member of GFC in building up our church into a healthy, growing and multiplying church. Let's not miss this message and let us bring someone with us this Lord's Day!

God bless you for your ministry,
Pastor Arman 

September 5th

Dear GFC Family,

Let us ascribe to the LORD honor and glory for all the things He is doing in us and through us. "Not unto us, but to His Name, we give glory for His mercy and for His truth" (Ps 115:1). Let's thank God for sustaining those among us who are sick and facing trials. Let us also thank Him for those who are faithful in praying, serving, and giving that the Gospel will continue to spread in dark and difficult places. 

With regards to the upcoming National Back to Church Sunday next week, September 15th, let's start praying for and inviting people to our church gatherings. Let us encourage someone who missed church for some time to get reconnected to the life and ministry of the church.

This weekend, let us come together to worship, adore, and thank God whose mercies are new every morning and whose faithfulness is great. I will preach the Word about, WHAT WE BELIEVE ABOUT THE CHURCH -- part 2 (Eph 4:1-16). Last weekend, we focused on what a church is and why she is essential to Christ, to us, and to the world. This coming Lord's Day, we will revisit truths about the church regarding her foundation and her formation. The church is divinely organized, structured, and empowered to function and grow into Christlikeness and experience missional growth. How do we become a fully functioning church that thrives amidst persecution and threats? What is your significant role in developing or restoring a church into such a church? 

Glad to be a part of God's family,

Pastor Arman 

August 29th

Dear GFC Family,

The Lord has done great things in our midst last week! We thank Him for His divine presence and for sending us new guests to our worship gathering. We've enjoyed fellowship with one another at the park after our worship service. As the new school year began, let us pray for a generation of children, young people and College students to get back to God through the witness of His people--Christian students, parents, and teachers. 

This weekend, I will proclaim the Word regarding, WHAT IS A BIBLICAL CHURCH? (Mt 16:15-19; Acts 2:37-47). The church matters to Christ, to us, and to the world. It is Christ's Bride whom He dearly loves, His Body doing His amazing works, and His Flock whom He died for and shepherds. However, she is always under attack by Satan, the world system, and the flesh. Her significance, relevance, and integrity are being undermined and even mocked. How do we contend for what we believe about the real church? How could a church that has declined through conflicts and false teachings be restored into a fully functioning healthy church as Christ designed her to be? If we say "we love Christ," how do we show that we love His church as He does? Don't miss this message.

Looking forward to worshipping the Lord and celebrating the Lord's Supper with you this Lord's Day!

Glad to be a part of God's forever family,
Pastor Arman

August 22

Dear GFC Family,

Our God is honored when we trust in His promises and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him by faith (Hebrews 11:6). Let us claim His promises that He will give us good gifts such as the Holy Spirit's empowerment for service (Lk 11:13). Let us trust Him in extending His mercy and righteousness to our children's children as we revere Him (Ps 103:17-18). Let us not put an "if" to His clear promises, rather believe that He will do exactly as He promised and that He will not trick us nor give us something that will harm us. Praying in faith also means living in loving devotion to God, being sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and persevering in prayer until we received an answer from God.

A new school year has started this week. Let us pray together for students, teachers, parents, and school administrators, that Christians among them will be used by God as His ambassadors, witnesses, salts of the earth, and lights of the world. Let's pray for wisdom, protection, provision, peace in these schools.

This weekend, let us revisit one of the Biblical truths we believe. I will preach the Word regarding, WHAT IS SALVATION? (Eph 2). The Lord Jesus warns us about deceptions regarding true salvation and the true Gospel. There are churches today which no longer preach the Good News of Salvation nor what it means to be a Christian. In this message, we will learn the meaning of salvation, why man needs to be saved, what it takes God to save us, and what we have become. May our love for God increase and our passion to share the Good News of Salvation intensify as we listen to His Word.

Until all have heard the Gospel,

Pastor Arman 

August 15

Dear GFC Family,

How great and awesome is our God! He is the Blessed and Only Sovereign God (1 Tim 6:15). He is blessed in His character, the source of all blessings, and Sovereign in His power and authority. He has blessed us, His redeemed and blessed ones, with every spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ (Eph 1:3-14). His Gospel is the glorious Gospel of the Blessed God (1 Tim 1:11). Christ is the Blessed One who came in the Name of the Lord (Mt 21:9), and who will come again to rule and to judge which is our blessed hope (Titus 2:13). Let's give Him praise and thanks for who He is and for how he has blessed us with blessings that last for eternity.

This weekend, we'll revisit another precious truth which was once delivered to the saints -- KNOWING THE TRUE AND LIVING GOD (selected scriptures). Who is God and what is He like? Knowing God matters for He matters-- He is the Creator, Redeemer, Preserver, and Sustainer of His creation. What you think about Him determines all your thinking, philosophy, conduct, character, the way you live here and now, and your future eternal destiny. Having the right knowledge and relationship with the Divine Presence shapes our understanding about salvation, life's purpose, worship, prayer, discipleship, and missions. Find out what the Bible reveals about His existence, infinite greatness, unfading gloriousness, and how we could experience His reality in our lives.  

Standing in awe of HIM,
Pastor Arman 

August 07

Dear GFC Family

Praise God almighty who is preeminent in missions! He is using His redeemed church to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom unto all the nations, redeeming lost sinners, and reaching the unreached peoples. Let's thank Him for what He has done in the past two weeks during the mission trip in Ajuy, Iloilo, and in Cavite. We had evangelism in the communities and schools, did revival and evangelistic meetings in churches, and trained workers and leaders on how they could better fulfill the Great Commission. I'm excited to share the details of what the Lord has done as we obey Him and rely on the power of the Holy Spirit this Sunday. Thanks for all of you who prayed and supported this mission effort.

This weekend, I will start a new series on WE BELIEVE. We are living in the times when the Bible and Christianity are being viciously attacked. Wolves in sheep's clothing infiltrate churches, denominations, and seminaries. How do we stand firm in the Word of God and in the Gospel of Christ? In this series, we will revisit the precious truths once delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3-4). We'll begin with what we believe and why we believe the Bible is God's trustworthy Word. I'll preach on  THE BIBLE: GOD HAS SPOKEN TO US. Find out how we got the Bible, why it is reliable, and how do we understand what it says and experience its power. Looking forward to worshipping our Lord with you all this Lord's Day. 

His truth is marching on,
Pastor Arman

July 28

Dear GFC Family,

In this dark and broken world, God is our strength and our shield (Ps 28:7). Inwardly, He who is our Strength employs His power to strengthen us in times of weakness. Outwardly, He Himself is our Shield who protects us from Satan's assaults and life's trials. He is worthy of our trust and praise. 

Let us thank God for answered prayers regarding missionaries we are working with to reach the unreached peoples. Please pray for a successful medical procedure to be done for Roy tomorrow morning (July 19th). Let us pray for the family of Minh Ha Nguyen, a key leader in missions working at IMB who passed away last Monday (July 15th). Pray for me and Brother Ed Johnson as we work together along with local believers in evangelizing people, planting churches, and training leaders in Iloilo and Cavite areas.

Looking forward to worshipping our God almighty with you all this weekend! I will preach the Word on TRUE PRAYER (Mt 7:7-12). Prayer is a major topic in Christ's Sermon on the Mount. Christ calls us to a life of prayer because of the fact that God answers prayer. The advancement of the Kingdom of God unto all the nations depends on it. The power to live out the values, precepts, principles, and demands of the Kingdom flows from it. How do we pray? What is the blessedness of prayer? What is the basis of our confidence in receiving answers to our prayers? Let's hear again our Lord's teachings on prayer.

Your co-worker in the LORD's mission field,

Pastor Arman   

July 11th

Dear GFC Family,

Let us praise our Lord Jesus Christ who invites us to come boldly to His Throne of Grace that we may receive grace and mercy in times of need (Heb 4:15-16). He is able to help us in every time of need for He is God the Son, the Co-Creator of the Universe, our Savior and Great High Priest, the One who knows and understand our needs, and able to do beyond what we can ask or think (Eph 3:20).  

Thank God for bringing new visitors to our church gatherings this past weeks. He is truly at work in our midst as we pray, trust, and obey Him. Please pray for me as I prepare for another mission trip to the Philippines on July 25th to August 7th, 2024. Pray for my health as I travel from place to place, and for grace as I work with the missions team in evangelism, church planting, and leadership training. 

This weekend, we'll talk about TRUE DISCERNMENT part 2 (Mt 7:13-23). In this text, our Lord Jesus reveals to us the absolute necessity and urgency of discerning and choosing the right path to salvation. He narrowed our choice to two options leaving no room for neutrality: either entering the narrow gate that leads to life or entering the wide gate that leads to destruction. He doesn't want us to expect heaven but ending up in hell because of self-deception (Mt 7:21-23). How do we identify the right gate, the right path, and the good tree with the good fruits? How do we make sure that we are truly saved and have a genuine relationship with God? This is our greatest use of discernment because it determines our eternal destiny. Find answers from God's infallible Word this Lord's Day. Looking forward to worshipping God with you this Lord's Day!

With you in reaching the unreached peoples,
Pastor Arman 

July 4th

Dear GFC Family,

As we celebrate July 4th, let us remember that it is God who gives us our freedom including the greatest freedom of all -- our freedom in Christ from the tyranny of sin unto holiness! Let us also take this day as an opportunity to make a Gospel impact to our family, neighbors, and friends whom we will meet today at our gatherings.

Don't miss another celebration this Lord's Day. As we celebrate God's goodness and greatness in our lives this Sunday, we will also gather at the Gospel Table to celebrate the Lord's Supper. Let us prepare our hearts to commune with God and remember what Christ has done on the cross for us. Let us feast at the table of mercy and anticipate Christ's return as a pure bride waiting for her groom.

This Sunday, I will preach the Word regarding, TRUE DISCERNMENT (Mt 7:1-12). Our King Jesus is teaching His followers to discern truth from error, good from evil, and right from wrong. In these scriptures, He commanded us -- "Do not judge, that you may not be judged" (7:1). This is one of the most well-known verse in the Bible, yet the most misunderstood, misapplied, and disobeyed. What does this command means? What is the difference between judging and being judgmental? What's the cure for having a judgmental spirit? Find answers from God's inspired Word this weekend. 

With you in worshipping the Lamb of Glory,

Pastor Arman 

June 27th

Dear GFC Family,

Praise God for His manifested presence with us and among us last weekend! Because of His gracious work of redemption, He is worthy of our true allegiance and consecrated service. Let us pray for the salvation of the lost and the advance of the Gospel to the unreached peoples of the world. Let's remember to pray for the missionaries we are partnering with.

The Lord has encouraged me through this scriptures and I hope you will be encouraged too -- "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God" (1 Cor 10:31), and "...that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ" (1 Pe 4:11). This command is the governing principle in all things we do as Christ's followers. Whether in the pursuit of mastery in service, holiness, and love, or anything we do in obedience to His will, we don't please ourselves or others but God alone.

This weekend, as we gather for worship, let us offer Him our heartfelt praise, adoration and thanks! Let us prepare our hearts to listen to His Word proclaimed that we may know Him more and obey His will. My message is about, TRUE RELIANCE (Mt 6:25-34). Life in the Kingdom of God is worry-free because we rely on God to provide for every need and for any circumstances of life. To the world, it is impossible not to worry about finances and other needs. But, to a child of God who devotes himself in the faithful service of God and who trusts in the goodness and presence of God, there's absolutely nothing to be worried about. Learn why worrying is unnecessary for citizens of the Kingdom and how to gain victory over worry. 

Until His Kingdom has fully come,

Pastor Arman 

June 20th

Dear GFC Family,

Let us give thanks and praise to God --the Father of Mercies and the God of All Comforts, the Father of Lights, the Father of glory, the Father of Spirits, and our ABBA, Father. We are grateful to Him who gave us fathers, granddads, step dads, adoptive dads, father-figure dads, and spiritual dads. Let us pray for grace that our earthly dads, if they are still around, will reflect God's fatherhood, and that more unsaved sinners will become adopted into God's family through our witness of the Gospel.

This Lord's Day, we will continue our series on the Sermon on the Mount. I will preach the Word on TRUE ALLEGIANCE (Matthew 6:19-24). In the middle of Christ's discourse on the mount regarding the Kingdom of God, He explained what it means for Kingdom Citizens to call Him LORD and challenged them to have full allegiance to Him. In this message, we will learn the supreme value of Christ in His Kingly greatness and what it means to follow Him as Lord. Don't miss this message for trivial reasons. Let us come together this weekend at the Lord's House to worship Him, be built up, and be encouraged in the faith through His Word. 

'Til His Kingdom comes,

Pastor Arman 

June 13th

Dear GFC Family,

Thanks for praying for the SBC 2024 Pastors Conference and Annual Meeting in Indianapolis. Four of us from our church and several from GBC attended the gathering of over 16,000 delegates and guests. The highlights of the gathering were: Sending Celebration of 83 new IMB missionaries, encouraging reports of Kingdom impact through NAMB and IMB, great worship, preaching and fellowship.

This weekend, I will preach the Word on THE FATHERHOOD OF GOD (Gal 4:4-6; Rom 8:13-17; Eph 1:3-14). In this message, we will answer the questions: What does it mean to call God "ABBA, Father"? What is the significance of being adopted into God's forever family? How does one become a member of God's family? What do earthly fathers learn from the Fatherhood of God? 

In His grip and grace,

Pastor Arman 

June 15 -- GFC Leadership Team Meeting, B-117, 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
June 16 -- Worship Celebration; Father's Day Lunch Fellowship

June 07

Dear GFC Family,

Greetings in the Name of our great and awesome God who is the Lord of heaven and earth (Lk 10:21), who is above all (Eph 4:6), and whom we call Abba, Father (Gal 4:6)! Because He is our Father through Christ's messiahship and through the Holy Spirit's ministry as the Spirit of Adoption, we love Him dearly, we trust Him for every need and under all circumstances, and we glorify Him (Mt 5:16).

This weekend, 11,000 delegates from Southern Baptist Churches will gather for a Pastors Conference and for the 75th SBC Annual Meeting in Indianapolis (June 9th to 12th,2024). One of the highlights of the meeting is the sending of 83 missionaries to reach the unreached peoples of the world. I'm excited to be a part of that Sending Celebration because our church family has a part in sending, supporting, and caring for these missionaries through giving and prayers.

We're blessed to have Brother Nate Wallace preach God's Word this Lord's Day. May our Lord use him in a mighty way to change hearts and lives through the faithful, clear, and dynamic preaching of the scriptures. Pray also that God may manifest His glorious presence as His redeemed gather for worship in spirit and in truth. 

Until His Kingdom comes to all peoples,
Pastor Arman

June 15th -- Leadership Team Meeting; B-117, 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
June 16th -- Father's Day Celebration

May 30th

Dear GFC Family,

Thank God for the blessings our young people had during the Youth Camp last week! May they continue to grow in Christ through discipleship and be useful and fruitful in their service for and through God. Our desire for them and for each member of our church family is to grow deeper and stronger in the faith, and make a great impact for God's Kingdom. One of the sure pathway into that spiritual maturity and vitality is through joining a discipleship group. We could help you find your group or start one in your home.

This weekend, let's worship and praise our awesome God and celebrate the Lord's Supper. We'll continue our sermon series on the Sermon on the Mount. I will preach the Word on TRUE SPIRITUALITY (Mt 6:1-18). Christ focused His life on living with an authentic relationship with the Father and with His Kingdom in the power of the Holy Spirit. He is taking us into that relationship which demonstrates true spirituality. How do we avoid false spirituality that plagues churches today? What does it mean to be a truly spiritual Christian? What could hinder us from becoming one? How do we grow into having an intensified level of spirituality? May the Spirit of God speak to our hearts on this important issue and transform us from glory to glory through His Word and through His presence. 

With you in spreading the fame of His Name,

Pastor Arman 

Prayer Meeting every Thursday at 7:00 P.M. on https://meet.jit.si/gfcprayermeeting
LORD'S SUPPER Celebration this Sunday, June 2nd.
SBC Annual Homecoming in Indiana on June 9-13, 2024
Discipleship Groups (weekdays; call 571-232-6203)
GFC Kid's Ministry (Sundays; Inquire Misha)

May 23

Dear GFC Family,

Greetings in the Name of our infinitely great God, who is our Yahweh Rohi (The LORD our Shepherd)! He is our Shepherd and we are the sheep of His pasture under His loving care, provision and protection. Christ is also our Shepherd--the Good Shepherd who laid down His life for our redemption, our Great Shepherd who rose victoriously from the dead assuring our own resurrections, and the Chief Shepherd who shepherds His church and who will reward His under-shepherds for faithfully preaching and teaching the Word. As the sheep of His pasture, let us submit to His leadership and authority, feed on His Word, and follow Him faithfully.

This weekend, let's ascribe glory, praise, and thanks to our great and awesome God! I will preach the Word regarding, THE PRACTICE OF TRUE RIGHTEOUSNESS - part 2 (Matthew 5:33-48). Every Christian is called by God to live for righteousness to glorify Him and make an impact in advancing His Kingdom to all nations. In this scriptures, our Lord Jesus instructs us to turn from lies and deception to honesty and integrity, from getting even with those who wronged us to forgiving them and repaying evil with good, and from hating our enemies to loving them in Christ's Name. How does a Spirit-filled Christian respond to mean-spirited people and why? Let us come together with a hungry heart for God's Word, hear and heed His Word, and be transformed by His Word!

With you in seeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness,

Pastor Arman 

Prayer Meeting very Thursday at 7:00 P.M. at https://meet.jit.si/gfcprayermeeting.
Youth Camp on May 24-27, 2024 at Black Rock Retreat Center, Quarryville, PA 17566
Leadership Team Meeting on June 1, 2024 from 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. at Room B-117.

May 16th

Dear GFC Family,

I appreciate your service for the Lord last weekend to honor mothers. Thanks also for praying and for joining us in worshipping God almighty and in thanking Him for mothers. Our desire is to help develop healthy marriages and families that are distinctively Christian. Don't hesitate to call me or any of our leaders if you need prayers or practical service to your family.

Let's magnify the LORD and exalt His Name together this weekend! I will preach the Word on THE PRACTICE OF TRUE RIGHTEOUSNESS--part 1 (Mt 5:21-32). Christ's Kingdom is a Kingdom of righteousness. He requires every citizen of His Kingdom to live righteously in God's sight and in relation to people he/she encounters daily. Our Lord Jesus Christ presented six antithesis explaining true righteous living. In this message we will focus on the issues of anger, lust, and divorce. How is Jesus' teaching on these issues differ from cultural norms? What are the keys to victory over these issues? Find out answers form God's inspired Word this Lord's Day. Pray that the Holy Spirit will use the preaching of His Word to change hearts.

'Til HIS Kingdom comes in its fullness,
Pastor Arman 

Prayer Meeting--Thursdays, 7:00 P.M. at https://meet.jit.si/gfcprayermeeting.
Joint Youth Camp--May 24-27, 2024; Black Rock Retreat, Quarryville, PA.
Leadership Team Meeting--June 1, 2024, 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.; Room B-117.
SBC Annual Meeting and Pastors Conference-- June 8-13, 2024, Indiana Convention center.
Fathers Day--June 16, 2024.

May 09, 2024

Dear GFC Family,

Praise be to our eternal God who is our Refuge or Dwelling Place (Deu 33:27)! Over us is His sheltering protection, and underneath us is His everlasting arms to support us. May this truth encourage and strengthen us especially during times when we are sick and weak, when our world seems falling apart, when temptations and trials rage, when we are shaking in fear, when our burdens are too heavy to bear, and when we feel like giving up. Let us trust in Him who is omnipotent, unchanging, and ever faithful God. He never fails anyone who trusts in Him!

The month of May is the Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month declared by Congress. It is also our SBC International Mission Board's missions emphasis month for celebrating the contribution of the Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders in the fulfillment of Revelation 7:9 vision. It is also a time to pray for the unreached peoples belonging to these group. Let us remember to pray also for 297 Asian-American missionaries currently serving in 51 countries. We are partners with them financially through our missions giving. Let us partner with them in prayers as well.

This weekend, as we thank God for mothers, I will preach the Word regarding RUTH: GOD'S REDEEMING LOVE (Ruth 1-4). There are powerful lessons in this short Old Testament Book that gives hope to families facing difficult circumstances and to people in need of redemption. How do we experience God's redeeming love for ourselves, and for our families. How does this love story relate to our story as God's redeemed community and to the world in need of redemption? What is the significance of this story in the historical perspective of Christmas, Pentecost, and Global Missions? Find out answers from God's inspired Word this Lord's Day.

Until Christ's Kingdom fully comes,
Pastor Arman 

May 02

Dear GFC Family,

Today, March 2nd, a Thursday, is the National Day of Prayer. The theme for this year's prayer focus is "LIFT UP THE WORD, LIGHT UP THE WORLD." Let us come together to lift up our nation and its leaders to God during these challenging times. Our God almighty, who promised to answer our prayers in Matthew 11:24 and James 5:16, calls us to pray in faith. He is our Lamp who will dispel our darkness, a Shield to all who trust Him, and His Word is truth (2 Samuel 22:29-31). To join us in prayer, go to https://meet.jit.si.gfcprayermeeting.

This weekend, let us come together to worship our LORD GOD who is infinitely great and incomparably glorious! Let us also prepare our hearts for the celebration of the Lord's Supper and for hearing God's Word proclaimed. I will preach the Word regarding KINGDOM LIVING: A Lifestyle of True Righteousness (Mt 5:17-20). In this text, Christ describes the way we live when we are under His reign. Not only we live by the ideal character of Kingdom Citizens and make a difference in people's lives for God as salts and lights, we also live in true righteousness through the grace of Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit. How is it possible for us to live such kind of life in a fallen world? Why care about personal and corporate integrity in life and in doctrine?

With you in reaching the nations for Christ,
Pastor Arman 

Prayer Meeting--- Every Thursday, 7:00 P.M. on https://meet.jit.si/gfcprayermeeting.
May 12th--Mothers' Day Celebration at GFC

April 25th

Dear GFC Family,

Praise be to our God who reigns in majesty, glory, and power! The Psalmist says, "The LORD reigns, let the earth rejoice; let the many islands be glad" (Psalm 97:1). He is on the Throne of the Universe reigning sovereignly, graciously and righteously and none can stop Him (Eph 1:11, Dan 4:35). We rejoice as His missionaries because the Great Commission will be fulfilled (Mt 6:10, 24:14; 28:18-20; Rev 5:9). He is in charge of closing and opening of doors for the Gospel (Col 4:2-3). He is the Lord of the Harvest who raises up workers for the harvest and who gives us breakthroughs in the harvest (Lk 10:2). We rejoice as His children for whatever we are going through, He causes all things to work together for good (Rom 8:28-30). 

This weekend, let us be glad in worshipping our great and awesome God! We will gather for worship, ministry, and in building up and encouraging one another. I will talk about, KINGDOM IMPACT COMMUNITIES (Mathew 5:13-16). In this scriptures, we will learn what it means to be the Salt of the Earth and the Light of the World. After describing to us the character and values of Kingdom Citizens, Christ gave us a vision of making a transformational and lasting impact to the world as His salts and lights. How do we align our Kingdom values with the Kingdom vision? The world is in big trouble because it is in trouble with God due to sin resulting in all kinds of evil, miseries, and condemnation. How do we make a lasting and widespread impact to families, communities, cultures and nations? What are its implications on our Discipling Communities and missionary efforts? Pray with me that God will give me the grace of speaking His Word that will magnify Him and change hearts and lives.

Until the fullness of His Kingdom comes unto all the nations,

Pastor Arman 

April 18th

Dear GFC Family,

Let's thank God for what He has done in the previous months: for His sustaining grace, for every answered prayer, for fruits of Mission Trips and evangelistic efforts, for new members, and for changed lives through partnerships in global missions. Let's keep on Making a Kingdom Impact as we together: prioritize God's Kingdom, proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom, and participate in advancing the Kingdom unto all the nations through praying, multiplying healthy disciples and churches, and mobilizing workers for the Kingdom. Brethren, "Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not" (Gal 6:9).

This weekend, we'll learn Christ's teaching on KINGDOM VALUES (part 2). In His Beatitudes, He laid down the marks of Kingdom Citizens and declared them blessed or profoundly happy. He gave us not a list of requirements to enter the Kingdom, but a pathway to discipleship for those who have entered the Kingdom. True children and citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven are poor in spirit, mourners over sin and evil, meek, and hungering and thirsting for righteousness. This Sunday, we'll learn the next marks: They are merciful, pure in heart, peacemakers, and persecuted for righteousness and for Christ's sake. How do we live out this values in a fallen, decaying, and dark world? What is its impact to the fulfillment of the Great Commission? Please pray for me that God will give me grace to deliver His Word clearly and dynamically. Pray also for listeners that the Holy Spirit will convict and transform their hearts and lives.

With you in demonstrating and proclaiming God's Kingdom unto the nations,

Pastor Arman 

April 19th -- SECRET CHURCH Training, GBC, 7 pm to 1 am.
April 20th -- GFC Leadership Team Meeting, B-117, 2 pm to 4 pm.

April 11th

Dear GFC Family,

Greetings in the Name of Yahweh Shalom! He is the God of Peace (Rom 15:33) who is with us always. He brought us into peace with Him through Christ (Eph 2:14-15). He produces the fruit of peace in us through the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22). He gives us perfect peace in the midst of turmoil when we trust Him (Isa 26:3).

We learned last week that the Disciple's Model Prayer which our Lord Jesus teaches us, also gives us a pattern for Kingdom living that honors God and advances His Kingdom unto all the nations. Are we adjusting our lives that demonstrate the presence of God's Kingdom in our homes, in our church, and in our community? What's our action plan?

Join us this weekend in exalting our great and majestic God. I will preach the Word regarding, KINGDOM VALUES (Mt 5:1-16). The Sermon on the Mount begins with a list of Kingdom Values that characterize those who belong to God's Kingdom. It describes a healthy and profoundly happy disciple that God uses for Kingdom impact. How do we live out these values in a fallen world we live in? Is it even possible for us to live by those values? Why does it matter that every royal child should live according to royal values? What are the blessings of being a Kingdom Citizen? May the Spirit of the living God give us light of wisdom and understanding and grace to obey His Word. 

Blessed to be a blessing,

Pastor Arman 

April 4th

Dear GFC Family,

Thank God celebrating with us the glorious and triumphant resurrection of Christ last Sunday. Indeed Christ is risen from the dead and because He lives, we have the assurance of our faith, we are experiencing His resurrection power, and we have confident hope of eternal glory and bliss in His presence. God bless you for praying, serving, helping, and inviting people to make this celebration a truly meaningful and memorable one.

This weekend, we are going to celebrate the Lord's Supper. Let's prepare our hearts by a) meditating on the scriptures such as Mark 14:22-26, Luke 22:14-20, and 1 Corinthians 11:23-26), b) getting right with God through confessing our sins and by getting right with one another through forgiveness and reconciliation, and c) by anticipating Christ's return ready to meet Him as His pure Bride.

Let us come together to hear our God almighty speak to us through His inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word. I will talk about KINGDOM LIFESTYLE (Mt 6:9-13). Imbedded in Christ's teaching on prayer is His instruction on how we live as Kingdom citizens. What principles for Kingdom living could we learn from this text that demonstrates what it is like when God's saving and sovereign rule has come into our hearts through faith in Christ? How will submission to Christ's Lordship impacts our words, decisions, values, and deeds? May our Lord use this message to encourage us and empower us to live for and through Him.

Advancing God's Kingdom unto the nations.
Pastor Arman 


1. We encourage you to join our Small Groups. You will grow as an authentic, devoted, multiplying Christ's follower in the context of a loving Christian community. Healthy disciples make up a church that impacts the world for Christ.
2. We love to have you in our Prayer Meeting every Thursday at 7:00 pm at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/ 86283613341 (Passcode:4321). Our God is worthy to be sought in prayer. He helps us become a praying church with prayer-energized lives and ministries, making breakthroughs in world missions.
3. We would like you to belong to our Church Family. Sign up to our Discover Membership at GFC seminar. Know who we are as a church family, how we make an impact in people's lives, and how you can be a part of it.
4. We would like you to grow in Christ-likeness, strong in the faith, useful and victorious. Sign up to our Discover Spiritual Maturity workshop. Learn our vision to grow Christ-like, obedient, strong and fruitful disciples. Learn a simple pathway to Christian maturity.
5. We would like you to develop a servant heart. Sign up for Finding Your Ministry at GFC workshop. Find the joy of serving the Lord using your God-given abilities and gifts. Discover ministry opportunities where you can serve with effectiveness and impact.